Namu Amida Butsu

This work is especially dedicated to Zuiken Saizo Inagaki, who sheds light on the pristine and original teachings of Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhism) for many people, including myself. I regard him as my soul teacher and I am very much influenced by his words and thoughts, which are deeply imbued with the Wisdom of Compassion of Amida Buddha. I read most of his writings available in Chinese language and I wish to share some of his golden words in this blog in English. Rev. George Gatenby and Mr. Gabriel Schlaefer have been kindly and untiringly assisting me to edit the translated essays so that they are readable and true to the intent of Sensei. May all partake of the wisdom of Shinshu teaching and be overpowered by the light of Amida Buddha.

Namu Amida Butsu!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Essay 39, 53, 56, 75

Essay 39

The broadcast from the Pure Land—
Have you heard it?
Namu Amida Butsu.

Whether it is ‘cultivation’ or ‘enlightenment’, these are no longer needed. Within Namu Amida Butsu, both are completely furnished and satisfied.

In the past, I used to think of acquiring shinjin, of owning shinjin. It turns out that even shinjin is already established and realized in the two syllables of ‘Namu’, which is calling to me: ‘Come just the way you are!’

Right here, right now, Namu Amida Butsu is calling to me, calling to me relentlessly. He calls to me so that the calculating mind has no room to appear.

‘Listen     just listen     so compassionate!’

‘We are entrusted      the calling sound of Amida Butsu.’

Zuiken Sensei

Essay 53

Those who are born in the Pure Land, whomever they may be—
Harboring no doubt, no worry—
Are ferried by the Vow-Power to birth.
Thanks to the Vow (seigan) of
‘If any should not be born in my land,
may I not attain the supreme Enlightenment,’
 they are assuredly saved.
Therefore they have no doubt, no worry.

The ‘calculation’ that keeps bothering us from kalpas in the distant past—no matter how many times we are warned off, no matter how many times we listen—will not give up. Since we are unable to relinquish this ‘calculation,’ do not bother about it temporarily. Bombu are told to ‘relinquish it!’, but how can this ‘calculation’ finally disappear? Do not bother about it for now—‘harboring neither doubt nor worry, and relying on the saving power of the Buddha's vows, you are certain to attain birth’ (Two-fold Faith of Master Shantao). Trust deeply! In this way, you will be unable to tell what ‘calculation’ actually is, and so you will naturally relinquish it.

Zuiken Sensei

Essay 56

Without severing karmic evil, one cannot be born in the Pure Land;
Relying on the illumination of the Tathagata of Unhindered Light and the Name of the Inconceivable Buddha-wisdom,
One is born in the Pure Land in such a state that karmic evil is severed.

What one thinks and does are both the ‘calculation’ of bombu. When a man knows that the only truth is ‘Namu Amida Butsu,’ he will be released from this calculation, and become a great, free being. This is what is meant by ‘the path of no hindrance’. (Tanissho)

‘The path’ refers to the design of the Tathagata. It is a path that will survive without boundary. This is ‘the path of reliance on the Vow-Power’.

Zuiken Sensei

Essay 75

Millions and millions of words     say it     say it     again and again!
All remains the finger pointing to the moon—
The inconceivability of the Dharma and the truth of Amida Butsu.

No matter how hard bombu study, how hard they rack their brains, how they believe they have acquired shinjin, they still cannot be born in the Pure Land. It is Amida Buddha’s Vow which is rare to encounter and the world had never known—the inconceivable Primal Vow of compassion and wisdom—that proclaims, ‘Namu Amida Butsu will never let go of his hands!’ And so we are saved. If we do not come to realize this, our thoughts are simply the calculation that lingers in the mind.

Ah, so immense! The Primal Vow, ever-established in the world, wonderful and unheard-of—the merciful Father of wisdom and compassion of the Buddha, and the base of His truthful mind—is unfathomable!

This page should be pondered for a million times.

Zuiken Sensei

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